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2015-08-17 10:55:05 编辑:ruan18650468816 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 英语 试题 年级 一、 请用直线把汉语与相应的英语单词连接起来。(20分) 1、plane 地铁 2、 minute 想要 ship 飞机 want 北 subway 轮船 north 南...



  姓名 班级

  一、 请用直线把汉语与相应的英语单词连接起来。(20分)

  1、plane 地铁 2、 minute 想要

  ship 飞机 want 北

  subway 轮船 north 南

  always 知道 south 分钟

  know 总是 west 西


  ( )How do you go to school? A. You can go by the No.5 bus.

  ( )Can I go on foot? B. No, it’s not far.

  ( )How can I go to the zoo? C. Sure, if you like.

  ( )Is it far from here? D .It’s near the hospital.

  ( ) Where is the cinema? E. Usually I go on foot.

  ( )Where is the bookstore? F. My home is near the cinema.

  ( )What are you going to do? G .I am going at 3 o’clock.

  ( )Where are you going this evening? H. I’m going to play football.

  ( )When are you going? I. It’s east of the cinema.

  ( )Where is your home? J.I’m going to the bookstore.


  ( )1、-______ your birthday?

  - It’s on the 1st of May.

  A 、What’s B、When’s C、Where’s

  ( )2、-Is the running race ______?

  - Yes, it is.

  A 、excited B、exciting C、excite

  ( )3、My birthday is _______.

  A 、come B、coming C、comes

  ( )4、My birthday is on the _______ of November.

  A 、twelve B、twelveth C、twelfth

  ( )5、I’d like a big cake _______ lots of strawberries _____ my birthday party.

  A 、of, for B、with, as C、with, for

  ( )6、It was there _________.

  A 、now B、just now C、a moment

  ( )7、Lucy _____ to go shopping with her mother.

  A 、want B、wants C、wanting

  ( )8、The earphones ______ on the sofa.

  A 、is B、are C、was

  ( )9、The students are _______ the match now.

  A 、looking at B、seeing C、watching

  ( )10、-What does it ________?

  - It______ you shouldn’t touch it.

  A 、mean, means B、means, mean C、means, means


  1. 红灯停。

  _______at a red __________.

  2. 请看这些漫画书。

  Look at these __________ books, _________.

  3. 我坐火车去北京。

  I go to Beijing ______ ___________.

  4. 今天下午我准备去邮局。

  I’m going to the post _________ this __________.

  5. 今天上午我去了银行。

  I went to the bank ________ _____________.

  五、用所给词的正确形式填空 (15%)

  1 There is a letter for ________ (she) mother.

  2、 Give _______(he) a toy, please.

  3、 He ______ _______ (go) to the park now.

  4、 ________ you ________ (go) to school every day?

  5、 My mother ________ not________ (like) English. She _______ (like) Chinese.

  6、 When_____ you _______ (go ) to school? I _____ (go) to school at five every day.

  7、 He______ (is ) ill yesterday.

  8 ______ they watch TV on Sundays? Yes, they __


  1. I’m going to ShangHai by__________(飞机).

  2. _______(如何) do you go to the park?

  3. I’m going to buy a comic book this _________(早上).

  4. Go straight, then turn __________(左边).

  5. What are you going to do __________ ___________(下周).


  . I am a bird. I fly in the sky. I like the clouds. They are pretty. I live in a tree. The tree is near a river. There aren’t any fish in the river. There is only one tree. I feel lonely.

  One day, I see some students. They plant trees. They grow flowers, too. I like the trees and the flowers. They are very beautiful. Then there are trees and flowers. There are many fish in the river. The air is cleaner, the clouds are more whiter. Many birds come. I am happy.

  1. ( )In the passage(短文), “I am a _________.”

  A bird B tree C flower

  2. ( )Where is the tree?

  A On the river. B Over the river. C Near the river.

  3. ( )Are there any fish in the river at first(原来)?

  A Yes, there is. B Yes, there are. C No, there aren’t.

  4. ( )Who plants the trees and flowers?

  A Some students. B Some birds. C Some fish.

  5. ( )After reading this passage, what should you do?

  A Water the flowers and trees. B Cook the meals.C Make the bed.

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9、中国招生考试网www chinazhaokao com 小编今天为大家精心准备了六年级上册期末试卷及答案2016英语 六年级上册期末试卷及答案2017英语,希 六年级上册期末试卷及答案2016英语 六年级上册期末试卷及答案2017英语(2017-02-14)

10、下面是中国招生考试网www chinazhaokao com 小编为大家带来的六年级上册英语人教版试卷,希望能帮助到大家!  六年级上册英语人教版试卷 六年级上册英语人教版试卷(2017-02-14)

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3、"六年级英语期中试题" 地址:http://www.chinazhaokao.com/xiaoshengchukaoshizhenti/33242.html,复制分享给你身边的朋友!