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2015-08-17 17:04:33 编辑:ruan18650468816 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 练习题 英语 年级一、判断下列每组单词的划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,否则打“×”。(10分) ( ) 1 red desk ( ) 2 snake bag ( ) 3 cold rose ( ) 4 cute toothbrush...




  ( ) 1. red desk ( ) 2. snake bag

  ( ) 3. cold rose ( ) 4. cute toothbrush

  ( ) 5. kite window


  ( ) 1. How _____ sheep are there? Thirteen.

  A. much B. many C. many

  ( ) 2. The pants _____ very expensive.

  A. is B. are C. am

  ( ) 3. It’s 7:10. It’s time ______ go to school.

  A. to B. for C. of

  ( ) 4. _______ is this sweater? It’s Sarah’s.

  A. Where B. Whose C. What

  ( ) 5. Can I help you? Yes. I ______ a pair of sneakers.

  A. see B. wear C. want


  1. shoes your are baby those ( . )

  2. much that pretty how is dress ( ? )


  3. your is computer this ( ? )

  4. cloudy it’s London in ( . )

  5. hens are the fat ( . )

  6. teacher’s this desk is a ( . )

  7. what it colour is ( ? )

  8. it time what is ( ? )

  9. is weather the what like ( ? )

  四、 阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“Χ”。(10分)

  Dear Uncle:

  Thank you for the new jeans. They are very pretty. It’s cool in Beijing. It’s sunny, too. I can wear my jeans and sweater. I have a pair of new sneakers. My old sneakers are too small. Today is grandma’s birthday(生日). I want to buy some apples for grandma. She likes apples. What’s the weather like at the farm? Is it warm? How many ducks are there?

  Your love,


  1. It’s sunny and cool in Beijing. ( )

  2. John can wear the jeans. ( )

  3. John’s old sneakers are too big. ( )

  4. Today is John’s birthday. ( )

  5. Uncle is at the farm. ( )


  1、Look, this is my family. My father is a . My grandpa is a . My mother is a . And I am a __________ player. We are very happy.

  2、John: Hello, Sarah. What can you do? (你能干些什么?)

  Sarah: Oh, I can cook the , wash my , feed the .

  3、This is a weather report. It is and in Singapore.

  4、Hello, how much is the ? It’s 2 yuan.

  六、 阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“Χ”。(10分)

  A: Excuse me. What time is it now?

  B: It’s three pm.

  A: Thank you. My name is John.

  B: Hello, John. My name is Chen Ming. Nice to meet you.

  A: Nice to meet you, too.

  B: I’m from Beijing. Where are you from?

  A: I’m from London.

  B: Great. What time is it in London now?

  A: It’s seven am.

  B: Wow! How funny!

  1. Chen Ming is Chinese. ( )

  2. John and Chen Ming are good friends. ( )

  3. When(当…时候) it’s five am in London, it’s one pm in Beijing. ( )


  A: Welcome to my farm.

  B: .

  A: Look. These are tomatoes.

  B: They are big and red.


  A: Yes, they are.

  B: Do you have many animals?

  A: Yes. This way, please.

  B: .

  A: No, they’re goats.

  B: Do you have any horses?

  A: . Let’s count.

  A&B: .

  1. One, two… There are twelve.

  2. Yes, I do.

  3. Wow, it’s so big.

  4. Are they carrots?

  5.Are they sheep?

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9、山东济南小升初英语试卷及答案已经公布,考生可详细查看以下试题及答案相关内容,尽请关注! 一、单项选择(20分)( ) 1 I 山东济南小升初英语试卷及答案(2015-07-06)

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11、英语 试卷 年级 八、判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同打“√”,否则打“×”。(5 分) ( ) 1 red desk ( ) 2 snake bag ( ) 3 cold rose ( ) 4 cute toothbrush小学四年级英语试卷(2015-08-17)

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