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unit 1 playing sports topic 3 the school sports meet is coming ab 考卷

2016-10-12 12:02:43 编辑:chenghuijun 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:    Yes, it is watch B No, this is a watch C Yes, it’s a watch下面是中国招生考试网http: www chinazhaokao ...

  . Yes, it is watch B. No, this is a watch C. Yes, it’s a watch下面是中国招生考试网http://www.chinazhaokao.com/小编今天为大家精心准备了unit 1 playing sports topic 3 the school sports meet is coming ab 考卷,希望对大家有所帮助!

  unit 1 playing sports topic 3 the school sports meet is coming ab 考卷(一)

  Unit5 Do youhave a soccer ball?


  Listening Test Part


  1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________

  II. Eric的房间被他的弟弟搞乱了。听下面的独白找出当前物品的位置。(5分)

  1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________

  III听对话,写出Tony 对这些活动的看法 (5分)

  例如: table tennis fun

  1. volleyball _______________

  2. baskeball _______________

  3. baseball ________________

  4. tennis ________________

  5. soccer _______________

  Written Test Part


  What's this?

  1. It’s a ___________ 2. It’s a ___________ 3. It’s a ___________

  What are these?

  4. They’re tennis _________ 5. They’re __________. 6. They’re __________.

  II. 模仿例子写出相应的句子。(12分)

  A. I have a computer game. Do you have a computer game?

  1. I have a baseball bat.

  2. I have a backpack.

  3. I have a dictionary.

  B. She has a brother. Does she have a brother?

  1 .She has a pencil sharpener.

  2. He has a good friend.

  3. Jim has a big family.

  III. 选择题。(5分)

  ( )—your name?

  —My name is Li Lan.

  A. How's B. What's C. Where D. What’re

  ( )2. —Are you Han Mei?

  —_________. I am Wei Hua.

  A. Yes, I am B. No, I am C. Yes, I'm not D. No, I'm not

  ( )3. This is ____uncle, Jeff Green.

  A. you B. she C. my D. I

  ( )4. _____you _____a ruler?

  A. Do, has B. Do, have C. Does, have D. Does, has

  ( )5. —Does he play sports?

  —No, ____. He only watches them ____TV.

  A. he does, on B. he does, in C. he doesn't, on D. he doesn't, in

  unit 1 playing sports topic 3 the school sports meet is coming ab 考卷(二)

  Unit2 Isthis your pencil?


  Listening Test Part

  I. 听单词并选出你所听到的单词 (10分)






  ( ) 1. A. Bill B. David C. Jim

  ( ) 2. A. Helen B. Joy C. Kate

  ( ) 3. A. Andy B. Tim C. John

  ( )4. A.Jenny B.Tom C. Miss Gao

  ( )5. A. Lucy B. Mary C. Li Ping

  Written Test Part

  III.选择填空 (10分)

  ( )1. –Is that a watch?


  A. Yes, it is watch B. No, this is a watch C. Yes, it’s a watch

  ( )2. What’s __________ name, please?

  A. it B. you C. her

  ( )3. –What’s this in English?


  A. It is sharpener B. it’s a pen C. Yes, it’s a pencil

  ( )4. --_________ you baseball? --Yes, it is.

  A. It is B. Is that C. That is

  ( )5. –Is that your backpack? --Yes, it is. It’s ________backpack.

  A. his B. her C. my

  IV. 在含有相同元音音素的一组单词或字母前写“T”,不同的写“F”(8分)

  ( )1. name bag ( )2. and thank

  ( )3. Aa Hh ( )4. Oo Qq

  unit 1 playing sports topic 3 the school sports meet is coming ab 考卷)(三)


  1-5 BCDDA 6-10 BBDDA 11-15 DCCDC


  1-5 CBCDA 6-10 BDBAD

  三、阅读理解 ACCBD


  1.pollution 2. strange 3. Appeared 4. geography 5. dangerous 6. frightened

  7.Scientists 8. twentieth 9.towards 10.practises 11.None 12.northwest


  1. is knocking 2.bought 3.to learn 4.goes 5. playing 6. Don't forget , to take 7. doesn't rain 8.Listening 9. will begin


  1.What's, weight of 2.couldn't see anything 3,Each of , has 4. Don't take 5. Which book 6. How long 7. Differen't from 8. What did, do 9. What a tall building it is !./ How tall the building is !

  10 I was excited to see so many amazing things.

  11 Is it necessary to walk the dog once a day?


  1.Look! How happily the children are playing!

  2.Thank you for recommending such an interesting film to me.

  3.It's bad for your health to go to school without having breakfast.

  4.Do you know what happened to him last week?

  5.The teacher told the children to keep away frem danger.

  八. 作文

  Dear Mr. Wu ,

  I would like to recommend Sandy for this year's Best Animal Lover Award.

  Sandy is a kind and helpful student. She often helps others.

  Sandy also likes animals very much. She often reads articles about animals and watches TV programmes about them She is amember of the school Animal Lover Club. She does a lot of work for the club.

  One day, Sandy took a homeless dog to her home. She gave the dog something nice to eat. She brushed its fur to make it clean. Then , she took the dog for a walk in the park.

  I think Sandy should get the award . If she can get it , I'll be very happy.

  I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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