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导读:   外语教学与研究出版社(简称外研社)成立于1979年,是北京外国语大学创办和领导的大学出版社。中国招生考试网www chinazhaokao com 小编 ...

  外语教学与研究出版社(简称外研社)成立于1979年,是北京外国语大学创办和领导的大学出版社。中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com  小编精心为大家整理了外研社版小学英语六年级上册练习题及答案,希望对你有帮助。




  postcard 广场 thousand 百万 square 明信片 kilometre 公里 stamp 宠物 million 一千 festival 节日 address 饭馆 pet 邮票 restaurant 地址

  二?选词填空(15分) A. There is /There are 1_________a Chinatown in New York. 2.___________lots of Chinese shops there. 3.___________a teacher in the classroom. 4,___________some books on the desks. B. Hong long /How big 1.-----__________is the Great Wall. -----It's about six thousand seven hundred kilometres. 2.-----____________is New York? -----It's got eight million people.

  三?选择正确的词写在横线上(20分) 1.----Can you tell___________(me/we)more about American festivals? 2.----Excuse _____________(me/mine).Is this your bag? -----Yes,it is. 3.I have to do __________(my/me) homework tonight. 4.We say "thank you "for _______(our /we)food, family and friends. 5.__________(We/our) always have a special meal.


  1.Do you like collecting__________? A.stamps B. a stamp 2.Please tell me more __________your city. A . about B.of 3.There are________shops and restaurants in this street. A. lots of B. a lot 4.I've got ________picture books from Japan. A .a B.some 5.--------Have you got any American stamps? -----Yes,_________. A .I do B . I have 6.Now you can have _____Chinese stamp. A . Another B.other 7.--------Can you speak English? --------No,______. A .I can't B.I don't 8.We carry flags and we sing songs Flag Day. A . At B .on 9.Can Iwrite_______ your friends? A .to B. of 10.Laura is_______ England. A. from B.at


  Dragon Boat Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 端午节 Thanksgiving 感恩节 Sping Festival 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival 春节


  1.----Can you speak English? -----Yes,I am. ___________________________________ 2.What do you do on Thanksgiving Day? _____________________________________ 3.Can you tell me more about American festival? _____________________________________ 4.Collecting stamps is my hobby. _____________________________________ 5.New York is in the east of American. _____________________________________



  eat __________ see________ go__________ do___________ take__________ send________ have_________ speak_______


  1. The Great Wall is five thousand k __ long.

  2. My grandma sent me a book as(作为) my birthday p_______.

  3. There were lots of Chinese (饭店) in Chinatown.

  4.Collecting ___ (邮票) is my hobby.

  5. It’s a tall __________. (建筑物).


  1. ( Have / Has ) you got a kite?

  2. Can you tell me something ( of / about ) Thanksgiving?

  3. He can ( speak / talk ) English well.

  4.I wrote a poem. Do you ( want to / want ) read it?

  5.You can write ( in / on ) English.


  ( ) 1. _____ did you go last Sunday? Park. A. What B. Where C. Who

  ( ) 2. I want _____ English book. A. a B. an C.some

  ( ) 3. My favourite ____ Thanksgiving. A.am B. is C. are

  ( ) 4. Have you got ________photos of America? A. some B. any C. a

  ( ) 5.We _______a big dinner. A. has B. have C. is having

  ( ) 6. When is Thanksgiving? It’s in ____. A. October B. November C. December

  ( ) 7. This stamp is _______ America. A. at B.of C.from

  ( ) 8. ____ you collect stamps? No,I don’t. A. Does B. Do C. Did

  ( ) 9. There is a big Chinatown ______ New York . A. to B. in C.on

  ( ) 10. The food was different _______ Chinese food in China .

  A. to B. in C.on D. from

  ( )11. What are you doing ? I’m _______ my new stamps into my album .

  A. putting B.put C.puts

  ( )12. Christmas is the 25th of December .

  A. to B. in C.on D. from

  ( )13. Do you want to ______ my pen pal? A. is B. be C. are D. from

  ( )14. How ______ is the Great Wall? A. high B. short C. long

  ( )15. You can see Chinese in the street.

  A. dancing B. dance C. danced

  ( )16.Thank you_____ your letter. A.of B. for C. about

  ( )17.Our school _____ at 8:00 o’clock. A.starts B.started C.start.

  ( )18.It’s a photo _____Hainan island. A at B.of C.in

  (  )19. Daming _____ to the library yesterday. A. go B. goes C. went

  (   )20. She can ______some English. A. speak B. spoke C. speaks


  1、I have a violin, I can’t play it.

  2、She’s got an email in French, she ca’t read it.

  3、I’ve got a postcard it’s from my pen friend.

  4、I want to go swimming, I’ve got a cold


  want to in English more than write to lots of

  1. There are ______________ shops and restaurants in Chinatown .

  2. Amy, do you be my pen pal ?

  3. Can you write an E-mail ?

  4. How old is the Great Wall ? It’s two thousand years old .

  5. Can you her ? Yes , I can .

  七、 1.阅读,判断,用√和×来表示

  The First Chinese Stamps

  China made its first stamps in 1878.The first stamps were of a very big dragon. Behind the dragon there are clouds and waves.

  People all over the world love to collect stamps from China.Chinese stamps are famous because they are very beautiful .They also show China’s history,people ,places and animals.

  Many stamps in China were children’s paintings. People love these stamps .The paintings show China and the children’s work is very very good.

  1.China made its first stamps in 1878.( )

  2.The first stamps were of a very big tiger.( )

  3.People all over the world love to collect stamps from China.( )

  4.The stamps also show China‘s history,people ,places and animals.( )

  5.The paintings show China and the children’s work is very very good.( )


  ( )Sometimes.

  ( )Chinatown? But this is America, not China.

  ( )I’m sending an email to my family in China.

  ( )Do you miss China?

  ( )What are you doing, Daming?

  ( )Do you want to go to Chinatown?


  1、We ( always never ) have a special meet on Spring Festival.

  2、( My I ) can speek English and Chinese.

  3、This photo is ( mine me ).

  4、I like ( read reading ) story books.

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