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大学英语对话Food and drinks

Food and drinks

Chapter one: In the dormitory

A: Now, it’s time for lunch. I’m so hungry that I can’t wait. Let’s go to have dinner.

B: Oh, I want to eat hamburgers and French fries, so let us go out. C: No, no, no……I don’t like fast food. It’s junk food that may taste good but has little body-building nutrition.

A: Yeah, why not have meals at the school cantee. The food there is not only delicious but also cheap.

B: Even if so, but there is always little choice at the school cantee. So I don’t like.

C: I don’t think so. Recently the cantee has added to lots of food such as fried noodles or rice, dumplings, wonton and so on.

A: Yes. They are healthy food that is rich in vitamins and minerals and low in calories. Don’t you want to lose weight?

Chapter two: At the school cantee:

Waiter: What can I do for you?

A: One plate of fried noodles with ham, please.

B: What do you recommend?

C: Rice served with meat and vegetables is good. Why not it? B: Er…Ok!

C: Please, two bowls of rice served with meat and vegetables.

Chapter three: One half hour later:

A: I’m so full. I don’t think I need eat supper. How about you? C: That’s true.

B:Yeah. My choice is right. I’m full as well.

A: Let’s sit for a while. I think I can not walk now. B/C: Hahaha…

Unit 1 Food and Drinks

Unit 1 Food and Drinks 单元备课 2012.02.19 一、教材分析:

本单元教学内容为Lesson One-------Lesson Four,前三课为新授,第四课为复习课。主要语言功能是谈论并询问饮食爱好。


本单元注重生活情境和情趣化教学,使学生在真实或模拟的情境中培养学生感知和运用英语的能力。 二、教学目标:


2.能听懂、会说、认读食品和饮料的相关单词:egg, bread,orange, juice,milk,please, fish, vegetable , rice, hungry,drink,apple并能结合句型灵活运用。

3.能听懂、会说、认读与饮食相关的句型:“I like eggs. ”“Do you like fish?” “I’d like some apple juice.”


5.对中、西方的饮食差异有一定的了解,培养学生良好的饮食习惯。 三、教材重难点: 教学重点


Do you like milk? Yes ,Ido .

Would you like a hamburger?Yes, please .

What’s for dinner?We have fish,rice and vegetables. 教学难点

1.breakfast hungry vegetable 的发音。

2. Do you like---?Would you like---?What’s for dinner?这几个句型的灵活运用。 3.语音、语调的模仿。

四、教学中应注意的问题及教学措施: 教师在教学过程中要注意放慢速度。

采用多种教学活动形式,营造宽松、和谐和民主的教学氛围,如游戏、歌曲、童谣等都是很有效的方法,课堂教学的生生互动、师生互动,使学生的学习兴趣得以延伸。 五、教学进度安排:

Lesson 1 1课时 Lesson 2 1课时 Lesson 3 1课时 Lesson 4 1课时

Lesson 1

I like eggs.

2012.02.19 一、课型:新授 二、教学目标: (一)知识目标


2.学生能听懂、会说单词 breakfast,som,please

3.学生能听懂、会说句型:I like ... I don’t like...

4.学生能够听懂会说认读书写下列字母:Aa, Bb,Cc (二)能力目标:【food,and,drinks】

通过真实的语言情境,学生能运用所学句型谈论自己对饮食的喜好。 (三)情感目标:


2培养学生学习英语的积极性,并养成良好的饮食习惯。 三、教学重难点: 教学重点:

能听、说、认读本课的主要单词egg, milk, juice, bread, 及breakfast并能在对话中灵活运用。 教学难点:



情景教学法、任务型教学法、TPR 五、教具准备:

颜色图片、头饰、课件、电子白板 六、教学过程: Step1 Warming-up

1 播放第一册课本59页的chant: “pear, pear, I like pears.”帮助学生复习学习过的水果类单词和I like--.句型。为本节课的学习打好基础。

2 教师出示水果图片,运用句型:I like ... I don’t like... Step2 Presentation


1 简笔画学习词组orange juice

在电子白板上用画笔画orange的简笔画,提问学生:What’s this?学生一定会回答:It’s an orange. 然后在橘子旁画一杯橙汁,引出:orange juice。通过各种形式的朗读巩固发音。可以采用chant:

Oranges, oranges, Do you like orange? Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

Orange juice, orange juice. Do you like orange juice? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. 2 Listen and say.

Danny and Li Ming will have breakfast. Let’s watch, underline the new words.

出示实物或图片初步学习本课出现的食物类单词: bread, egg, milk,掌握发音。在黑板上板书新单词,并归类排列:Food:egg/ bread. Drink: milk/ orange juice。告诉学生西方人的早餐就以这些食物为主。学习breakfast单词。将bread中的d 字母替换成k字母,学生很容易读出前半部分,重点学习后半部分fast, s和t 字母的清辅音发音是纠正的重点。 3 Listen and repeat. Then answer: What does Danny like? 播放教学光盘,整体呈现课文,之后找学生回答问题。

接着利用单词卡继续深入学习五个新单词:breakfast,egg, milk, bread,juice. Game: 通过观察教师口型,猜测食物类单词。 4 Ask and answer in pairs.

教师出示食物类单词卡,女生先问:Do you like--, Danny? 男生根据课文回答。然后角色互换。熟练后,同桌互相问答。

5 播放课文录音,学生指图跟读。注意一般疑问句语调的指导与纠正。 Step3 Practice

1 学生在组内分角色表演对话,并选两组到前面戴头饰表演。为了检查下面学生观看的是

否认真,可以在每组表演完后,提个问题,如:Does --- like ---? Yes or No? What does --- like? 由于句型中设计第三人称,所以只要求学生作简单回答即可。 2 播放教学光盘,出示第二部分的Let’s talk.中的图片,学生模仿跟读。 3 Step4 Production

1 完成配套练习册1、2题。

1 利用字母卡片,检查学生认读情况,纠正不够准确的发音。注意纠正字母Aa的发音,。 2 出示四线格,教学生认识四线格并理解字母在四线格中的位置规律。规范板书字母的大小写,提醒学生观察并书空。对比字母的印刷体和手写体的区别。 3 学生在课本第三部分进行摹写。

4 学习字母下面给出的例词,通过慢读和分解读,使学生体会这四个字母在单词中的发音。请同学列举一些含有对应字母而且字母发音相同的单词。【food,and,drinks】

5 完成配套练习册第三题,展示书写优秀的学生作品,激励书写不规范的学生练字。 Step 6 Homework

1 听课文录音,跟读模仿。

2 运用本课所学的语言询问家人及朋友对食物、饮料的喜好。可以制作成表格也可以画图配语句展示。

(第一个作业为必做,第二个作业鼓励有能力的学生尽量选作。) 板书设计:

Unit 1 Food and Drinks Lesson 1 I like eggs


I like orange juice. Milk. eggs【food,and,drinks】

I don’t like orange juice. milk 课例反思:

第一节课主要目标是在学生已经掌握有关食物和饮料的相关单词并能较为训练地运用型的基础上。适当拓展了句型:Do you like„? Yes/No.让同学们在平日的交际中可以询问人家是否喜欢一样东西?课后,我觉得有以下几方面我做得比较好。

1.用好英语角,提高口语能力。本节课我非常注重结合学生的年龄特点,挖掘文本深层的内容,提高学生听、说、演等方面的综合能力。以孩子们熟悉的英语通过课前的表演,既为学生搭设了展示自我的舞台,又巩固了所学知识、同时还进行了操练口语;既活跃了气氛,又能激发学生对学习英语的兴趣,给学生创造了开口的机会。创设情景、通过聊天的方式引出新知“Do you like„?”接着通过一对一交际练习,让孩子们充分表达自己的情感、意愿。然后,用孩子们最喜欢的猜测游戏,对句型进行巩固。


Unit 1 Lesson 2 Do you like fish?


一、课型:新授 二、教学目标;


1、能听、说、认读食物单词:vegetables, chicken,fish,rice,lunch,并能在实际中应用。 2、能听懂、会说并认读句子:Do you like...?Yes, I do. No, I don’t. (二)能力目标:



激发兴趣,培养学生的英语思维能力和英语交际能力。 三、教学重难点: 教学重点:

单词vegetables, chicken fish,rice,lunch

句型Do you like...?Yes, I do.No, I don’t.以及能正确认读和书写三个字母E F G。 教学难点:

熟练运用所学食物单词,灵活运用所学句型 四、教学方法:

情景教学法、任务型教学法、TPR 五、教具准备:



StepI:Warming up. 1、Greetings. 2、Say a chant..

【设计意图】有关食物的歌曲既活跃了气氛,又为导入新知识做好铺垫]。 StepII:Presentation. 1、Leading-in

通过学生的回答,直接引入本课的新单词教学 Learn the new words. “rice, fish, vegetable, chicken” 出示食物教学单词“rice”, 先齐读,个人读。 教学chant : Rice rice rice We have rice.

问答:Would you like rice? Yes, please. /No, thank you. 同样方法教学 fish, vegetable, chicken

【设计意图】食物教学新单词,非常直观,便于孩子掌握,chant节奏明快,朗朗上口,利用孩子掌握,也调动了学生的积极性,活跃了课堂气氛。] 3、Game: What’s missing?

出示食物图片,快速消失其中一样,让学生猜测少的那种食物。 【设计意图】:游戏既活跃课堂气氛,调动学生学习的积极性,又能很好的将刚学的单词进行复习巩固。 3、课文教学.

(1)观看教学光盘,整体感知课文内容。让学生划出不认识的单词。 (2)学生找出新单词:“vegetables, chicken fish,rice,lunch” 通过breakfast, lunch 引出单词dinner 的教学,注意分音节教学。并引出句型:What’s for dinner? I have…


(3)观看教学光盘,回答问题:What’s for dinner?

【设计意图】让学生带着问题观看教学光盘,利于调动学生的学习积极性。 (4)观看教学光盘,引导学生模仿跟读。


Step III:Practice.

1、再次放录音,让学生模仿跟读课文,在听读过程中理解句子。 2、学生分组练习朗读对话。

3、Let’s talk请学生先观察插图, 说说场景。播放光盘,让学生跟读。 4、分组表演并展示本环节内容。

【设计意图】 练习是对主要句型的巩固。 StepIV:Consolidation.

大一下英语口语对话food and drinks


菡: Hey man, did you see the McDonald's commercial on TV last night, they were advertising big macs deal two for ten dollars.

阳: Yeah, I saw that one, it almost made me want to go there last night. I like eating a big juicy burger.

霜 : What are you guys talking about? You two look so happy. Can I join you?

展 : Of course. Those two are blathering about the Big Mac ad they saw last night, and I would never eat that kind of food even it is for free. 菡: Why? I am a big fan of fast food either, I do eat their salads every once in a while, just to have the mandarin orange slices they put in them. 阳 :those salads are the worst, I remember when they first came out, I ate lots of them for lunch, but I gained a few pounds very fast.

霜:I knew about that too, of course I bothered to try the salads. I looked up the nutrition information on line, believe it or not, they actually contain more calories than a medium size meal.

展: I never liked the other stuff from them, just when I thought fast food places are inventing new ways to attract more health conscious people, what they put out was more junk than their hamburgers.

菡: what do you know about fast food and drinks, aside from not eating at those places, you two shouldn't bad mouth them. The drinks in there like sprite,clca –cola and so on is so cool if you can drink some of it in

the buring hot summer.

阳: well,the drinks containes over 1000 calories. 1000 calories account for half of what you are supposed to eat in one day!

霜:Aslo the french fries are not fried in vegetable oil, they often use shortening which is worse for your body than animal fat is. Besides ,I always feel thirsty after drinking it.

展:. Besides ,I always feel thirsty after drinking it.You see , all they want is your money, they could care less about the health of its customers.So let’s eat some healthy and tasty food.OK?

菡:Well, I really think I need to eat healthier foods to make up what I lost. I can’t promise to set foot into those places again, I certainly would visit them less often..But I need some time to give up my bad habits . It’s just noon.Let me make a good first step.Any good ideas?

阳: Well, I know a japanese restraunt. The sushi in there is very delicious.Most of food contains little fat.What’more ,it’s cheaper than the most restraunt.

霜: Er,but I think the pasta is better,we can eat not only mushroom 、red capsicum and tomato ,but also the tasty noodles and sea food.

展:Well, I like the beefsteak,and steak with some red wine will be wonderful.What do you think,the sushi,pasta or the steak?

菡:I like the steak, it did’t have much fat.The most important is I do love the red wine.it tastes a little bitter but sweet.

阳:Bravo,then let’s go.

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