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2016-07-16 13:33:03 编辑:huangtingting 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 下面是中国招生考试网www chinazhaokao com小编为大家提供的英语评语,欢迎参考!  英语评语精选  1 You are an understanding, h ...



  1. You are an understanding, helpful children. Your face in good faith, so that teachers be moved; eyeful your concerns so that students feel a great warmth. You are a hard-working, studious child. Work seriously, writing is always so clear, neat, self-motivated learning, the outstanding Greek efforts will continue, and sometimes love to bow their heads, but also a further positive performance of their own for you to play a greater potential.


  2, You are a little girl loves to learn, you are strong, often help teachers do a lot of things. You are not sloppy, class attendance seriously, and actively speak. Obvious progress in learning, perseverance and hard work, the completio-n of a good classroom exercises, you also love the work, and actively assiste--d the students is the students are very close partners. Teachers want to contin-ue to work hard and do a good primary and secondary school students. Filling it, you will be very good!


  3, Think of you, come in front of me is your class work on the scene of a serious and responsible. You are a talented girl in particular, do you have a good tolerance of the heart, and each student can become good friends, but also from time to time for the sake of others, considerate and concerned about everyone around them. Teachers like you, to bring the issue to you, the teach-er is assured that you will complete a good teacher is a good helper. To concentrate on school attendance, and often you can hear the wonderful speake-rs. You unite the students and helpful. Here, the teachers want to let you more dazzling next semester, to read more books for use as a holiday will achieve our goal, Come on!


  4, In class, you can live in harmony with the students, the students are like and your friends. You can seriously not only the completion of all the subjects, but writing correct, clear. You are ready to help others, can bear hardships and stand hard, strong and courageous,拾金不昧sometimes guilty of the wrong words. Here, the teachers give you a word: A hard, a harvest, as long as the hard-working down-to-earth, you will be better.


  5, You are a quiet and thoughtful girl. Love your work, and students live in harmony. School discipline, and seriously listen and always be careful to comp-lete all the subjects. However, when your class is always so quiet. You are very disciplined, but the classroom has always remained silent, it is believed in the "silence is golden," it? No one has a good natural eloquence, the key is how you will seize every class a chance.


  6, You are a smart and lovely little girl, respect teachers, students of unity, labor, class will actively use our brains, bold show of hands to speak, more than training their own, then your progress will be greater. You are a very quiet, polite, thoughtful girl, deal with class is always unknown, meticulous treatment of others is always frank and friendly, you are very lovely, through your efforts, your performance this semester progresses, the side you There are "careless," his friend, so you and good results have a certain distance. Genius for hard work ", if you spend more time than others to learn is not how much worse than others. More use of vacation time to learn to learn! Bel-ieve in the near future, you must hand in good results and a friend. Refueling I believe you can do it!


  7, Coupled with smart you work hard you can achieve very good results. You are a smart little girl, respect teachers, love learning, the classroom often to see your eyes full of Aura, and consciously take the initiative to learn more. But when teachers see you operating the scribbled writing on and go to school often say when whispering, can not help but frown a smart girl, the next semester you will not be disappointed teachers, right? If you can set strict demands on themselves, to speak boldly to set their goals high and then some, then the teacher, students will be more like you, it up!


  8, Your quiet, delicate beauty, class, eyes always focused to listen and work completed carefully and clean, you can have beginnings and ends of each dut-y conscientiously completed, the teacher really likes you. Active in the classro-om raise their hands to speak, your quick thinking, excellent verbal communic-ation skills. But there is one point, whether to speak or do something to impr-ove the speed! This is the key to success!


  9, You are a quiet little girl and stable, loving teacher, love the class, courteo-us, learning to consciously take the initiative, excellent results. School actively speak your progress this semester to a maximum. Your understanding, too eage-r to help those in difficulties, you are also very hard, learning is always meti--culous, seriously, if you can see more after-school books, to improve their reading ability, more than the accumulation of a good vocabulary, and that your a higher level of performance will be! Beautiful when you smile, laugh some more.


  10, Others you are a sincere, good-natured children, school attendance is always-s serious. The last two months, the teachers really pleased for you. Whether you\re thinking and knowledge, there are a lot of progress! Know, recently, the progress of your really big ah! Every point of your progress, and teachers are happy for you. When recognition of each teacher, there will always be your name. You raised the little hand, you answered correctly loud, you are serious efforts to complete the operation, all teachers realize that you are getting good! Keep up the good work, you will become even more outstanding!


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