中国招生考试网 专题列表



there are twelve boys on the bike教案


标签: 教案 twelve there boys bike 关键词: 教案
  教案是教师为顺利而有效地开展教学活动,根据教学大纲 和教科书要求及学生的实际情况,以课时或课题为单位,对教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法等进行的具体设计和安排的一种实用性教学文书。下面是中国招生考试网 小编为大家带来的there are twelve boys on the bike教案,希望能帮助到大家!    there are twelve boys on the bike教案   小学四年级英语教案:There are twelve boys on the bike   There are twelve boys on the bike.   Learning: fruit, chicken, bear,pig   There are twelve boys on the bike.   Teaching Procedures   Step One: Warm-up and lead-in(about 8min)   1. Great and say a chant.。there are twelve boys on the bike教案。   1) Great each other.   2) Say a chant.(U1)   2. Rivew:   1) Work in pair:Look at the picture and talk about it.   There is a… in this photo. /There is an…in this photo.   He is…(doing sth)/She is..(doing sth)   3. Lead-in:Listen,point and say.   1)Look

there is a horse in this photo课件


标签: 课件 photo horse there 关键词: 课件
  电子课件与传统的教科书相比,它的优势在于资源的丰富性和学习的自主性。电子课件的内容非常丰富,包括课本、教案、练习、自测、参考书籍和相关案例等,就像一个小型图书馆,给学生的学习带来了极大的便利,学生可以根据自己具体情况自由把握学习的进度。中国招生考试网 小编为大家整理的相关的there is a horse in this photo课件供大家参考选择。   there is a horse in this photo课件   Unit One There is a horse in this photo.   Book 3 Module 7 Photos   Ⅰ.Teaching goals:   1.Aims of Target language knowledge and skill   1) Function: Can use “ There is /are” to talk about Photos.   2) The students learn and can listen, read , say and use the sentences:   There is a girl in this photo.She’s riding a horse. I can’t see her face. There are twelve boys on the bike.   3)The pupils can listen, read and say the vocabulary:there is, horse, there are, have a look, sheep, vegetable, climb, face,fruit, chicken, bear,pi

there is a big bed 主情境图 there is a big bed课件


标签: there 情境 课件 bed big 关键词: 情境 课件
  对于课件理论、技术上都刚起步的老师来说,POWERPOINT是个最佳的选择。因为操作上非常简单,大部分人半天就可以基本掌握。所以,就可以花心思在如何在课件中贯彻案例的设计意图上、如何增强课件的实效性上,既是技术上的进步,也是理论上的深化,通过几个相关案例的制作,课件的概念就会入心入脑了。中国招生考试网  小编精心为大家整理there is a big bed 主情境图 there is a big bed课件,希望对你有帮助。   there is a big bed 主情境图 there is a big bed课件   Unit 5 There is a big bed 第五课时   学科 英语 年级 五年级 主备人 张志辉 使用人 张志辉 课题   Unit 5 There is a big bed 第五课时   课型新授   教学目标   1. 通过大量的听读操练,掌握双元音字母/ei/在单词中的发音,让学生感悟一些信息英语语音的方法。   2. 完成“Let’s wrap it up”部分的连线和填空任务,掌握There be句型中be动词单复数形式的运用。   3. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“A photo of me”。   4. 培养学生积极学习的精神和合作学习的态度。   教学重点   1. 通过大量的听读操练,掌握双元音字母/ei/在单词中的发音,让学生感悟一些信息英语语音的方法。   2. 完成“Let’s wrap it up”部分的连线和填空任务,掌握There be句型中be动词单复数形式的运用。   教学难点   1. 双元音/ei/在单词中的发音。   2. 提高学生的英

there is a big bed let's talk


标签: let's there talk bed big 关键词: let bed talk big there
  有一个大床,让我们谈谈。中国招生考试网  小编精心为大家整理了there is a big bed let's talk,希望对你有帮助。   there is a big bed let's talk   Unit 5 There is a big bed教案   Unit 5 There is a big bed   教学目标   1. 掌握A、B部分“Let’s learn”,“Let’s talk”中的词汇和句子。   2. 能理解There be句型的含义并灵活运用There be句型进行问答练习。   3. 能用适当的介词描述物体的方位。   4. 掌握双元音/ei/在单词中的发音。   5. 能读懂“Story time”部分的趣味故事。   6. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“A photo of me”。   7. 鼓励学生多参加课堂活动,提高学生学好英语的自信心。   教学重点   1. 掌握A、B部分“Let’s learn”,“Let’s talk”中的词汇和句子。   2. 能理解There be句型的含义并灵活运用There be句型进行问答练习。   教学难点   1. 能用适当的介词描述物体的方位。   2. 掌握双元音/ei/在单词中的发音。   教学安排   第一课时:A. Let’s learn A. Let’s play   第二课时:A. Let’s try A. Let’s talk   第三

there are only nineteen crayons课件


标签: 课件 nineteen crayons there only 关键词: 课件
  只有19个蜡笔。下面是中国招生考试网  为大家整理的there are only nineteen crayons课件,供大家参考。   there are only nineteen crayons课件   课件There are only nineteen crayons.   教学设计There are only nineteen crayons.   教案There are only nineteen crayons.   教学实录There are only nineteen crayons.   课堂实录There are only nineteen crayons.   2014外研小学英语三起点五年级上册课文和单词朗读音频mp3 教材目录:   Module 1   Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday?   Unit 2 We bought ice creams.   Module 2   Unit 1 What did you buy?   Unit 2 How much cheese did you buy?   Module 3   Unit 1 Where did you go?   Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father.   Module 4   Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.   Unit 2 What’s the matter with Daming?   Module 5   Unit 1 There are only nineteen crayons.   Unit 2 There are forty.

there are nineteen crayons.课件


标签: 课件 nineteen crayons there 关键词: 课件
  在导课环节有点牵强,第一部分没有很好的发挥作用。做练习时装水环节可以简便些,还是没有发挥学生的自主学习,老师的主导性太强。授课过程中没有做到纯英授课,在以后的授课中还是得自我约束多锻炼,多给学生时间。下面是中国招生考试网小编今天为大家精心准备了there are nineteen crayons.课件,希望对大家有所帮助!   there are nineteen crayons.课件(一)   2   Unit Module 1   Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday?   Unit 2 We bought ice creams.   Module 1 What did you buy?   Unit 2 How much cheese did you buy?   Module 3   Unit 1 Where did you go?   Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father.   Module 4   Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.   Unit 2 What’s the matter with Daming?   Module 5   Unit 1 There are only nineteen crayons.   Unit 2 There are forty.   Module 6   Unit 1 You can play football well.   Unit 2 He ran very fast.   Module 7   Unit 1 He can’t see.   Unit 2 This littl



标签: 教案 photo horse There 关键词: mango教案 photo this is look
There,,is,,a,,horse,in,this,photo教案(一)There_is_a_horse_in_this_photo.教学设计doc There is a horse in this photo.教学设计 教学目标 (一)语言知识: 1、能理解、认读生词:horse、there is、there are、have a look、sheep、climbing、vegetable、face。 2、能理解和认读句子: There is a horse in this photo. There are some nice photos here.



标签: 教案 twelve There boys bike 关键词: bike教案 bike on your the
There,are,,twelve,boys,,on,the,,bike教案(一)四年级英语上册 Module7 Unit2 There are twelve boys on the bike教案 (新版)外研版 Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike. Learning: fruit, chicken, bear,pig There are twelve boys on the bike. Teaching Procedures Step One: Warm-up and lead-in(about 8min) Great and say a chant.



标签: 教案 photo horse there 关键词: mango教案 photo this is look
there,is,a,horse,in,this,photo教案(一)There_is_a_horse_in_this_photo.教学设计doc There is a horse in this photo.教学设计 教学目标 (一)语言知识: 1、能理解、认读生词:horse、there is、there are、have a look、sheep、climbing、vegetable、face。 2、能理解和认读句子: There is a horse in this photo. There are some nice photos here.