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导读: There,are,,twelve,boys,,on,the,,bike教案(共3篇)...


四年级英语上册 Module7 Unit2 There are twelve boys on the bike教案 (新版)外研版

Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike.

Learning: fruit, chicken, bear,pig

There are twelve boys on the bike.

Teaching Procedures

Step One: Warm-up and lead-in(about 8min)

Great and say a chant.

Great each other.

Say a chant.(U1)


Work in pair:Look at the picture and talk about it.

There is a„ in this photo. /There is an„in this photo.

He is„(doing sth)/She is..(doing sth)

Lead-in:Listen,point and say.

1)Look and the picture, watch and listen the CD-ROM(整体感知)

2)Watch, listen and point.

3)Watch, listen and repeat.(pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation)

Write the sentences on the blackboard.

There is a boy on the bike.

There are twelve boys on the bike.

Step Two: Task prensentation

Where is Daming? What is he doing?大明正在给大家介绍手抄报的内容。学完课文后我们也要选出班级手抄报的图片,谁的图片将入选呢?

Step Three: Text learning.(about 15min)

listen and think.

What are in Daming’s photos?

Look at pictures and think how to intruduce them.

Listen and point

Group work: try to answer the question “What are in Daming’s photos?”

T Guide the student to answer the question and write them on the blackboard. There is a panda in the photo. There are three chickens in the photos

There is bear in the photo. There are eleven pigs in the photo.

To compare: There is„, There are„用色笔标出要点【There,are,,twelve,boys,,on,the,,bike教案】

Show the pictures and learn the new words: fruit, chicken, bear, pig.

8.Listen and repeat.( (pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation)

9.Work in pair: describe the picture of the text. Then report.

Step Four: Practise(about10min)


Point and say.(SB U2 A3)

Learn a song.Three Green Parrots

Finish SB U2 A5.(remember the pictures quilkly, then say it:There is„ There are„) Finish AB.U2.Ex.1

Step Five: Task completion.(about 7min)

四人小组合作用There is„ There are„ He/She is„ They are„介绍图片。然后请一

人向全班介绍。大家一起选出好的图片,被选中的图片所在的组每人得一颗星以示鼓励。 Step Six Summary and homework(about 2min)

1.Summary together.

2.Finish “一起作业”

外研版新标准英语三年级起点Book 3 Module 7 Unit2 There are twelve boys on the bike

Book 3 Module Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike.

三明市梅列区第二实验小学英语组 Learning: fruit, chicken, bear,pig

There are twelve boys on the bike.

Teaching Procedures


Step One: Warm-up and lead-in(about 8min)

1. Great and say a chant.

1) Great each other.

2) Say a chant.(U1)

2. Rivew:

1) Work in pair:Look at the picture and talk about it.

There is a… in this photo. /There is an…in this photo.

He is…(doing sth)/She is..(doing sth)

3. Lead-in:Listen,point and say.

1)Look and the picture, watch and listen the CD-ROM(整体感知)

2)Watch, listen and point.

3)Watch, listen and repeat.(pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation)【There,are,,twelve,boys,,on,the,,bike教案

Write the sentences on the blackboard.

There is a boy on the bike.

There are twelve boys on the bike.

Step Two: Task prensentation【There,are,,twelve,boys,,on,the,,bike教案

Where is Daming? What is he doing?大明正在给大家介绍手抄报的内容。学完课文后我们也要选出班级手抄报的图片,谁的图片将入选呢? Step Three: Text learning.(about 15min)

1. listen and think.

What are in Daming’s photos?

2. Look at pictures and think how to intruduce them.

3. Listen and point 4. Group work: try to answer the question “What are in Daming’s photos?”


5. T Guide the student to answer the question and write them on the


There is a panda in the photo. There are three chickens in the photos There is bear in the photo. There are eleven pigs in the photo.

6. To compare: There is…, There are…用色笔标出要点

7. Show the pictures and learn the new words: fruit, chicken, bear, pig.

8.Listen and repeat.( (pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation)

9.Work in pair: describe the picture of the text. Then report.

Step Four: Practise(about10min)

1. Point and say.(SB U2 A3)

2. Learn a song.Three Green Parrots

3. Finish SB U2 A5.(remember the pictures quilkly, then say it:There is…

There are…)

4. Finish AB.U2.Ex.1

Step Five: Task completion.(about 7min)

四人小组合作用There is… There are… He/She is… They are…介绍图片。然后请一人向全班介绍。大家一起选出好的图片,被选中的图片所在的组每人得一颗星以示鼓励。

Step Six Summary and homework(about 2min)

1.Summary together.

2.Finish “一起作业”

Module7 unit 2 there are twelve boys on the bike


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