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2016-03-09 10:24:12 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 英语圣经读后感120字(共5篇)英语读后感120字2012 is my favourite movie lately It is a disaster movie The story is about a scientist found that the earth is coming to an end in 2012 ...



"2012" is my favourite movie lately. It is a disaster movie. The story is about a scientist found that the earth is coming to an end in 2012. He reported to the president. The president made a plan with other world leaders. When the

disaster come, the whole world is wiped out the earthquake, and everywhere is flooded by tidal waves. Only part of the people are saved because several world leaders decided to make few big modern boats two years ago in order to escape in this disaster. The movie provides plently of visual thrills. It is really exciting


Thoughts about the Bible

The Bible is God's holy Word. It is God's message to us, and it is the most important book in the entire world.

The Bible is the classic works in Christianity, and it provides the British literature with inexhaustible materials. So the Bible has deep influence on British literature. British writers use stories of the Bible by three main methods. First, they quote persons names or stories of the Bible as the characters names or plots of the creations from the Bible directly. Sometimes they make some changes on the original stories. Sometimes they quote stories directly from the Bible as the writing materials. Second, they make use of symbolic meaning of the Bible by some technical such as simile, metaphor and symbolism, so that the stories could exert a great influence on contrasting with the new products. Third, the Bible influences British literature on styles and artistic characteristics. The books retell most of the narratives of the Bible in 411 stories. The books have been marketed in the United States for many years by placing the first volume, which covers the first part of the book of Genesis, in doctor's offices with postage prepaid post cards included for readers to order the set or ask for more information. Originally written in English, the books have been translated into French and Spanish, and a new revision has been made based on the New International Version (NIV) translation of the Bible.

As the Holy Bible of the Christianity, its own has strong artistic charm and great aesthetic value, making it as the source of British literary works creation. The Bible records the merits, the faults and evil of the world, reflects the ancient feelings, implorations and ideals, explores the mystery relationships among God, people and the universe, and studies the philosophy of the relationships between people and people, people and the universe, human destiny and life values. British literary works all embody the Bible in all aspects. Therefore, the understanding of the Bible will further our understanding of British literature, will deepen our appreciation of British culture and ideology, and will make us learn, research and appreciate the British literary works better.

I've learnt a story from the Bible about Esau and his brother Jacob. They are twins. However, they are so different in temperament: Esau is rough and honest , and Jacob ideceives. One day, Jacob cooks a stew . At this moment, Esau returns from hunting, very exhausted and thirsty, so he asks for it. But Jacob insists that Esau sell his birthright to him and swear an oath. And finally Esau does as Jacob says.英语圣经读后感120字

As we can see , Esau sells his right as the firstborn just for a mess of pottage. It is Esau not Jacob who has the right to inherit what his father owns. At such a low price, he sells it .He keeps his eyes only on immediate needs , without considerating long-term interests , which should be a lesson for all of us.英语圣经读后感120字

Esau's story and lessons also apply to people like you and me , who are living in a complex modern society. We are faced with too much temptation. In such cases, you are likely to be conqured and probably do something stupid. How to avoid this? What you can do ,from my point of view , is to keep your reason, stay cool-headed, think over and figure out a solution which can balance immediate interests and long-term interests.

The Bible is the story of man's complete ruin in sin and God's perfect salvation in Christ. The Bible is God's love letter to us, telling us that, even though we have turned away from God and broken His commandments, God loves us with all His heart and He wants us to come back to Him. The most precious truth in all the Bible is that the Son of God loved us so much that he left heaven and became a man so that He could die on the cross for our sins. We are not saved by what we do for God, but by what God has done for us in the person of His Son. The Bible says,"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.","Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved..." "What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. "英语圣经读后感120字

The Bible is the most important book in the world because it tells us how to be saved. God gave us this wonderful book that we might know the truth about ourselves, about sin, about Satan, about God, and about salvation. From beginning to end, the Bible has one great theme — the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The books of the Bible fall into five main groups: The Old Testament gives us the history of Abraham and his descendants who became the nation of Israel. The great theme of the Old Testament is a promised Savior. Isaiah wrote, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." The Gospels tell us that the promised Savior has come. They tell us about the Lord Jesus Christ and what He said and did. The Acts tell about the coming of the Holy Spirit, the beginning of the Church, and the preaching of the gospel — the "good news" that Christ died for our sins and rose again to be our living Savior. The

Epistles explain the gospel and tell us how we can be saved and how to live the Christian life. The Revelation tells us how all things will end. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had someone who knew all about God to teach us His wonderful book? Well, there is Someone like that. He is the Holy Spirit. The moment we take Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us. He lives in every believer, and He teaches us the things of God.

篇三:《圣经读后感 英文》英语圣经读后感120字

The Feeling after Reading the New Testament Holly Bible The first time that I touched The Bible is in Peter’s home. I was introduced to an English Corner by a good friend. And before that, I have no idea about The Bible and Nazarenes. Until we almost went into Peter’s home, she told me that Peter is a Nazarene and he taught us English lover something about The Bible. I wanted to have a try because of my curiosity.

When all of us got into his house, we all felt enthusiastic about each other. Peter prepared dinner for us, and he said to us that all Nazarenes are the family of each other, and all Nazarenes are equal, they help with each other, they share things with each other, and they prepare food for each other for free. Then, we new students received a book The New Testament Holly Bible from Peter; he said that we can see this Bible as a story about Jesus or a Foreigner book to improve our English and know about some European culture. We learned some soft songs about The Bible, smiles on everyone’s face. After that, we started our study of Bible.

Bible was commonly described as “a greatest book”. Though The Bible was finished before two thousand years ago, it still has a deep effect among people in nowadays, including all kinds of people, such as leaders, sportsmen or scientists and so on. Several of them read and studied The Bible. To open The Bible is always beneficial. But, it also has some ideas that I can not accept it completely for that I am an atheist. I do not hold that there is someone who has the ability to survive all the people in the world. I had an argue with Peter in this question and I also ask some other friends’ opinion about matter, they all considered that Jesus is the most perfect existence in the world, and he rescued our world, so that we can live at present. The Nazarenes see Jesus as a goddess in Chinese mythology, however, in fact, we Chinese people only serve the great woman as a dream, and we do not fall into the mixture of reality and dummy. In the Bible, they think all the people have sins, and the Jesus was punished because of our sins. Whoever wants to go to the heaven instead of hails must go through him, this is the only way. Jesus is the only cross to the rebirth places. All Nazarenes believe that Jesus is the only one who is perfect completely and he has no sins, so, he is the only person who has the qualification to survive others and undertake their sins. Jesus rescued us, he died. These Nazarenes regard Jesus as God from above, just as The Bible saying, no shortcomings. They obey Jesus and believe in Jesus totally. Whoever believes in Jesus has an eternal life. As what we old emperors did in the past, their orders must be carried out follow emperors’ opinions. That is to say, most of Nazarenes live without their own thoughts and understandings; they live under others’ favors, which is quite foolish and lamentable.

At the end of this book, I knew that if I do something good for others, I may get encourage and rewards from that God, otherwise, the God may punish me. Just as the old saying goes, “what is coming not rewarded, not the time.” This are the profound consideration that I get from The Bible, let religious faith become a way of comfort instead of an edged tool used by common people. I believe our world will be better than before.


for this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days, saith the lord; i will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and i will be to them a god, and they shall be to me a people: and they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, know the lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest。

these verses are especially focusing on god?s salvation plan。 throughout the church age, the dominant teaching of most biblical churches was to tell the brothers and sisters of the congregations how they might be sure they are saved or how they might bee saved。 a careful analysis of the teachings of these denominations invariably shows that they include the requirement that some contribution be made by the individual seeking salvation。圣经英文读后感。 these contributions could include actions such as water baptism, public profession of faith, the act of accepting christ, the partaking of the eucharist or munion table, or praying a certain kind of prayer。 in virtually every case, there was a definite violation of the law of god, which clearly stipulates that all the work of saving a person was done by christ,long before that person was born。

in hebrews 8:10-11, quoted above, god emphasizes that once the full revelation of the bible occurs, the teaching on salvation in the world will be altogether biblical。 mankind will not be taught how they might bee saved, but rather that salvation is entirely the work of god (ephesians 2:8-9)。 god will saving a great multitude who actually may understand very little of the bible。















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