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2016-09-21 12:12:15 编辑: 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: dont,talk,in,the,library,教案(共5篇)module10 unit1 Don’t talk in the library 教案六年级上册Module10 Unit1 Don’t talk in the library 教案大寺镇那葛小学 兰慧萍 2014 12 4一.教学目标知识目标1、使学生会读、会写:library card, h...

module10 unit1 Don’t talk in the library 教案

六年级上册Module10 Unit1 Don’t talk in the library 教案

大寺镇那葛小学 兰慧萍 2014.12.4



1、使学生会读、会写:library card, hurry, rule,close,line,in line, CD这几个单词。

2、掌握 Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line。


1、在情境中运用这两个句型Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line。 2、使用祈使句发出指令或要求。





教学重点:掌握hurry. rule .line. Library card, in line 等单词以及运用Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line.Please be quiet这几个句型。

教学难点:熟练运用这两个句型 Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line.并会使用祈使句发出指令。 掌握 Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line.运用这两个句型,及两个句型的运用


1、“以学生为主体”。 充分调动学生的积极性,发挥学生主观能动性。让学生主动参与,全员参与,使每个学生都得到发展,成为学习的主人。

2、“情境教学” 教师引领学生以“听”、“说”为突破口,为学生创造语言情境,让学生感受语言,激发学习兴趣;以实践活动为桥梁,培养学生的语言综合运用能力。



Step 1: Warming up:

1) Greet to the students.

2) Sing a song do the action: “walking”

3) Listen and do

T: please stand up/ Don`t sit down/ clap hands/ please sit down 引出祈使句,出示:祈使句,无主语,只用谓语就可以。表示请求或命令,加上 please表客气。 如果变成否定句,Don’t开头是规律。

Step 2. Lead-in and Presentation:


1.出示图书馆的图片问学生“What is it?”学生回答“It’s a library.”引入揭题,老师板书课题:(板书)Module10 Unit1 Don`t talk in the library并让学生读课题.

2.呈现图书馆的一条标语“请安静”上T: Should we be quiet in the library? Ss: Yes. T: So, Please be quiet . (板书)

3.示:“请安静”和 “不要说话 ” don’t talk(板书)

4.Counclude: T: In the library, don’t talk and please be quiet They are library rules. We should obey the rules. library rules.(板书

T:“Today we are going to talk about the library”


T: When we go to the library we should take a library card. CD(学习新词)


5.听和看flash学习 Please stand in line(板书)


Step3 Passage:

1)listen and circle ‘please’ and ‘don’t’.

T: Today, our friend, Daming will go to a place with his cousin, Simon. Let’s see where they are going. Open your books on page 56. First, listen and circle the words ‘please’ and ‘don’t’.

2) Listen again and answer the questions

T: Now let’s listen again and answer the following questions.

1.When do they go to the library? ( B)

A. At five B. at ten to five

2.What does Simon find? (A )

A.a book and a CD B. a book

3.What are the library rules?( B )

A.Don’t sleep. B. Please be quiet.C. Please play basketball.

3)Listen, point and repeat。看flash,然后跟读。

Step4 Group-work:


1) Please choose选择题:

1. 在图书馆内,你会看到:

A. Don’t run B. Don’t talk! C. Don’t read!


A. Please be quiet! B. Show your tickets! C. Please stand in line!

3. 在电影院里,你应该:

A. Please be quiet! B. Talk happily! C. Stand up!

4. 在公园里你看到有人走在草地上,你应该说:

A. Don’t talk on the grass! B. Go strait on! C. Don’t walk on the grass!

2)Make rules for class room.


T: Today, we’ve known that everything has their own rules, we should obey the rules. Ok? 归纳本节课所学的语言项目。

Step6 Homework:

Homework:1、Write words three times and recite them.2、Listen and read the text two times.3、Make rules for our school.


Module10 Unit 1 Don`t talk in the library

----Library rules----

Don’t talk in the library.

Please be quiet.

Please stand in line.



六年级上册Module10 Unit1 Don’t talk in the library 教案



1、使学生会读、会写:library card, hurry, rule,close,line,in line, CD这几个单词。

2、掌握 Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line。


1、在情境中运用这两个句型Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line。






教学重点:掌握hurry. rule .line. Library card, in line 等单词以及运用Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line.Please be quiet这几个句型。

教学难点:熟练运用这两个句型 Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line.并会使用祈使句发出指令。

掌握 Don’t talk in the library. Please stand in line.运用这两个句型,及两个句型的运用



1、“以学生为主体”。 充分调动学生的积极性,发挥学生主观能动性。让学生主动参与,全员参与,使每个学生都得到发展,成为学习的主人。

2、“情境教学” 教师引领学生以“听”、“说”为突破口,为学生创造语言情境,让学生感受语言,激发学习兴趣;以实践活动为桥梁,培养学生的语言综合运用能力。



Step 1: Warming up:

1) Greet to the students.

2) Sing a song do the action: “walking”

3) Listen and do

T: please stand up/ Don`t sit down/ clap hands/ please sit down 引出祈使句,出示:祈使句,无主语,只用谓语就可以。表示请求或命令,加上 please表客气。 如果变成否定句,Don’t开头是规律。

Step 2. Lead-in and Presentation:


1.出示图书馆的图片问学生“What is it?”学生回答“It’s a library.”引入揭题,老师板书课题:(板书)Module10 Unit1 Don`t talk in the library并让学生读课题.

2.呈现图书馆的一条标语“请安静”上T: Should we be quiet in the library? Ss: Yes. T: So, Please be quiet . (板书)

3.示:“请安静”和 “不要说话 ” don’t talk(板书)


4.Counclude: T: In the library, don’t talk and please be quiet They are library rules. We should obey the rules. library rules.(板书 T:“Today we are going to talk about the library”

T: When we go to the library we should take a library card. CD(学习新词)


5.听和看flash学习 Please stand in line(板书)


Step3 Passage:

1)listen and circle ‘please’ and ‘don’t’.【dont,talk,in,the,library,教案】

T: Today, our friend, Daming will go to a place with his cousin, Simon. Let’s see where they are going. Open your books on page 56. First, listen and circle the words ‘please’ and ‘don’t’.

2) Listen again and answer the questions

T: Now let’s listen again and answer the following questions.

1.When do they go to the library? ( B)

A. At five B. at ten to five

2.What does Simon find? (A )

A.a book and a CD B. a book

3.What are the library rules?( B )

A.Don’t sleep. B. Please be quiet.C. Please play basketball.

3)Listen, point and repeat。看flash,然后跟读。

Step4 Group-work:


1) Please choose选择题:

1. 在图书馆内,你会看到:

A. Don’t run B. Don’t talk! C. Don’t read!


A. Please be quiet! B. Show your tickets! C. Please stand in line!

3. 在电影院里,你应该:

A. Please be quiet! B. Talk happily! C. Stand up!

4. 在公园里你看到有人走在草地上,你应该说:

A. Don’t talk on the grass! B. Go strait on! C. Don’t walk on the grass!

2)Make rules for class room.


T: Today, we’ve known that everything has their own rules, we should obey the rules. Ok?


Step6 Homework:

1、Write words three times and recite them.

2、Listen and read the text two times.

3、Make rules for our school.

Module10 Unit 1 Don`t talk in the library

----Library rules----

Don’t talk in the library.


Please be quiet.

Please stand in line. 5

Module10 Unit1 Don't talk in the library教学设计


Module10 Unit1 Don't talk in the library



本节课是外研版新标准英语小学第七册第十模块第一单元《Don't talk in the library》。我主要将本单元分为:Step 1 Warming up;Step 2 Lead in and Presentation;Step 3 New teaching;Step 4 Practice;Step 5 Summary and homework

本单元以大明在图书馆的见闻为主题,要求学生能够根据指令做事,以及制止他人做某事等。在复习巩固祈使句的基础上,继续扩展学习使用祈使句发出指令或要求购能够遵守规章制度、执行指令,培养学生的综合能力。本单元的性质是新语言的呈现和训练,学习任务是:Don't talk in the library.Please stand in line.需掌握以下词汇:hurry,rule,library card,line, in line,CD等。


Step 1 Warming up




Step 2 Lead in and Presentation

A、播放教师录的校园违规录象,引导学生说出“Please listen to the teacher! Don’t run on the stairs!”之类的祈使句,教师板书在黑板上。




Step 3 New teaching



C、再看书听录音,要求学生总结“Library Rules”,教师将板书补充完整。

D、教师针对课文内容进行提问,从而引出hurry, rule, line, CD以及词组 library card, in line的学习。


Step 4 Practice







F、开展“Simon says”的游戏。


Step 5 Summary and Homework



新湘少版英语五年级下册Unit4Don't talk in library教案

Unit 4 Don’t talk here

知识目标:能听懂、会说、认读、会写talk, throw waste paper, draw on the wall, play football, on the road, on the floor, pick flowers, in the park;







1. 重点:能用“Don’t...” 这一祈使句的否定句式表示禁止和建议。

2. 难点:掌握和运用B部分表示禁止和建议的祈使句的否定句。




Step 1 Warm-up/Revision

1. Greetings.

Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Fine /Good /Not bad. Ok, thank you. Now I say, and you do the actions.

2. Sing a song: Stand up.

I have a nice song. Follow me, please.

Step 2 Presentation

1. A guessing game:

Do you like the song? We can sing it next time. Let’s play a guessing game. I’ll invite three students to do the actions. The other Ss can guess what the word is. Who wants to have a try?

2. New words and phrases

Today we are going to learn Unit4 Don’t talk here.

(1) library

First, please listen. Yes, it’s library. Read after me.

(2) Don’t talk in the library.

I have another picture. What is the girl doing? What are they doing? Is that good? What do you want to say? No talking.

Here are some words. We have learnt before. Let’s read by rising tone and falling tone. Ready, Go. Please use these words to make sentences.

(3) Don’t throw waste paper on the wall.

Watch me carefully. This is a piece of paper. I write on it. I fold. Now it’s waste paper. Read after me waste. Look what I’m doing. I’m throwing waste paper.

(4) Review

译林版三年级下册unit2 In the library 教案

Unit 2 In the library



1.能初步会听、说、读并拼写单词:shout eat run talk sleep drink library

2.结合动词,听懂、会读、会运用祈使句的否定句: “Don’t „”,并会用“I’m sorry.”来回答。

3. 能初步听懂,会说,会拼读词组 in the library

4. 使学生树立公共场合基本文明礼仪观念,懂得遵守公共秩序,培养学生正确的人生观和价值观。


能听懂、会读、会运用单词shout eat run talk sleep drink library, 并在适合的场合正确运用祈使句。


Step 1 Warm up


T:Class begins!

Ss:Stand up!【dont,talk,in,the,library,教案】

T: Good morning, class.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.

T: Sit down, please.

2. Free talk

Step2. Pre-reading


T:Shh! Don’t talk. Guess! What am I saying?


出示 talk talk about:谈论关于

Let’s talk about books. Talk bout colours

T:When you are happy or angry, how can you say?

S: „.

T: Look! Liu Tao is very happy, and he says hello to his friend. Is he talking?

S: No

出示shout /au/ blouse mouse

T:What’s this?

Ss: It’s a pig.

T: Yes, he likes eating. Do you like eating and drinking? 出示eat, drink

eat /i:/ teacher drink /dr/ dress

出示谚语《Eat an apple a day ,

can keep the doctor away.》


T:Pig is lazy. So he would like to sleep after eating. sleep ee/i:/ sweet

T:Look! Who is this?

Ss: Liu Xiang.

T: What is he doing?

Ss: „

出示 run u /^/ bus puppet

2. Practice

a.Read after teacher. (加动作练习)

b.Read after the tape.

Step3 While-reading

1.导题Unit 2 In the library

T: Look! Are they in class?

S: No. 图书馆

T: They are in the library(出示in the library)

like –li banana

library- in the library

T:Today, let’s learn Unit 2 In the library. Look!

教授story time

a.Watch and answer the questions.

--Who are in the library?—Yang Ling and Liu Tao

-- Would Yang Ling like the sweet?—No. 出示

b.Watch the cartoon and read after it.

c. Read in a group。

d. Act

Step 4 Consolidation

1. Fun time---make and say

T: Let’s draw some pictures.

呈现标志,让学生猜是什么意思,发挥想象力在P14页画上标志,让同桌猜。加第一单元图片做禁止标志, 让学生练习“Don’t „” 祈使句和否定句的含义

Step 5 Homework【dont,talk,in,the,library,教案】

1. coppy new words 3+1

2. Read story time

3. draw public signs



1.能熟练听懂、会说、会拼写单词:shout eat run talk sleep drink library

2.能熟练听懂、会说祈使句的否定句:“Don’t „”,并会用“I’m sorry.”来回答。


3. 能初步听懂、会说、会运用句型Is this your„?

4. 能读懂动画中的幽默之处。

5. 懂得文明道德,没有经过别人的同意,不能随意拿别人的东西, 这样是不文明不礼貌的。


1. 能初步听懂、会说、会运用句型Is this your„?

2. 能读懂动画中的幽默之处


Step 1 Warm up


T:Class begins!

Ss:Stand up!

T: Good morning, class.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.

T: Sit down, please.

Step2. Pre-reading

1. Guess time

T: Now, let’s play a game. 出示标志让学生猜是什么意思。 Ss: Don’t „

2. 祈使句的否定句练习

T. What should we do in the library?

S: Don’t shout/run/eat/talk/sleep„


T:Talk with your friend about the public signs on page 14. A: Don’t „

B: I’m sorry.

3. Review story time

a. Magic time

T: Now, let’s play another game.-magic eys.(快速闪现图片) S: cake, pie, hamburger, orange, mike, sweet„

T: Do you like sweet? Ss: Yes/No

T: Can you eat sweet in the library?Ss: No

T:Look, there is a story in the library. Let’s read after the tape.

b. 1)read after the tape

2)act out

Step3 While-reading

T: We are happy, but is Bobby happy now?

Watch the cartoon and answer the questions.

1)What does little mouse(小老鼠) eat and drink?

A.cake and orange B. pie and milk

C. cake and milk D. pie and orange

2) What does little mouse take away?

A. a book B. a robot

C. a CD D. a ball

3) Bobby says:

Don’t ____ my cake! Don’t ____my milk.

A. drink, eat B. eat, drink

C. run, drink D. eat, run

b. Watch the cartoon again and repet the sentences: Little mouse: What’s this?

Bobby: It’s my English book.

Bobby’s sister: Is this your English book?---一般疑问句 This is my English book.--- 陈述句

造句: Is this„

总结: So, Bobby is not happy.

Read after the tape.

Read in roles



T :Do you like little mouse? Is it funny?

But it’s not good to take away without permission. 没有经过别人的同意拿别人的东西是不文明和不礼貌的行为 Step 5 Homework

1. Recite story time

2. Read cartoon time

3. Recite new words and write

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3、"dont,talk,in,the,library,教案" 地址:http://www.chinazhaokao.com/wendang/jiaoan/641772.html,复制分享给你身边的朋友!