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导读: I?remember?meeting?all?of?you?in?Grade,7 第五课时,Section,B教案(2a,~,2e)(共4篇)Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 (5课时教案)Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 教案教学目标:1语言目标:掌握本单元重点词汇及复习语言点。2 技能目标:能谈论过去和未...

Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. (5课时教案)

Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. 教案



2 技能目标:能谈论过去和未来的生活.

3 情感目标:珍惜初中生活的点滴,培养对高中、未来生活的憧憬。树立远大人生目标。 教学重点:

词汇: survey, standard, row, keyboard, method, instruction, text, level, degree, manager, gentleman, task,

wing, double, shall, overcome, congratulate, caring, senior, thirsty, thankful, separate, ours, ahead 短语: in a row, look back at, make a mess, keep one’s cool, senior high, go by, believe in, first of all, be

thirsty for, be thankful to sb., ahead of, along with, be responsible for, set out, separate from 句子: She helped you to worked out the answers yourself no matter how difficulty they were. How have you changed since you started junior high school?

I’ve become much better at speaking English.

What are you looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to going to senior high school.



Period 1 Section A 1 1a – 2d

Period 2 Section A 2 3a-3c

Period 3 Section A 3 Grammar Focus-4b

Period 4 Section B 1 1a-2e

Period 5 Section B 2 3a-Self Check

Section A 1 (1a – 2d)

I. Warming up

1. Do you have any special memories of junior high school?

2. Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school?

II. Work on 1a. Practice in pairs using the information in 1a.

At junior high school,

_____winning a prize

_____being a volunteer

_____doing a school survey

_____a friend helping me with a problem

Learn the new word: survey

III. Listening

1. Work on 1b. Listen and match the memory with the person.


Learn the new word: standard

2. Listen again and answer the questions.

1) What did Mary lose in Grade 7?

2) Who helped her find it?

3) What kind of person is Mr. Brown? Is he strict with students?

4) What did Peter do to meet Mr. Brown’s standards?


Possible answers:【I?remember?meeting?all?of?you?in?Grade,7.第五课时,Section,B教案(2a,~,2e)】

I remember...

scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition.

winning a basketball competition.

putting a plastic snake into a classmate's desk.

getting a wish card in Christmas Day.

learned to play the keyboard in music class.

learned to sing many English songs.

learned to play basketball with my friends.

Learn some new words. √) the facts you hear.

______Someone didn’t like P.E.

______Someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher.

______Someone had a health problem.

______Someone joined the school band.

______Someone liked Mr. Hunt’s teaching methods.

6. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Luke remembers when That’s life _______ at school. They wrote a _____ to the band _______ to come.

Junior high has been ______, but it has been a lot of __________.

IV. Practice

A: Do you remember Mr. Hunt?

Learn the new word: instruction.

2. Work on 2d. Role-play the conversation.

Let Ss read the text and answer the questions.

1) Which teachers will they miss?

2) What subjects do the teachers teach?

3) Why will they miss them?

4) What will they do to thank them?

V. Language points

1. I remember scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition.

in a row 连续几次地

e.g. This is the third Sunday in a row that it's rained.


2. … I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled.

double v. 加倍; 是……的两倍

adj. 两倍的; 加倍的

e.g. They bought a double bed.


I think we can double our marks in one year.


3. Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?

shall modal v. 将要; 将会

e.g. Shall we all go to the film tonight?


Everything shall be in good order.


I shall follow all your instructions.


VI. Homework

1. Recite the conversation in 2d.

2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.

Section A 2 (3a–3b)

I. Revision

学校调查 school survey

连续几次地 in a row

达标 meet the standard

休息 take a break

清楚地指示 clear instructions

对某人有耐心的 be patient with sb

解决 work out

指导某人做事 guide sb to do

投入更多的努力 put in more effort

II. Warming up I remember…

III. Reading

1. Work on 3a. Read the passage and answer the questions.

1) What kind of writing is this?

2) What is the main subject of this writing?

3) Who do you think the writer is?

things rings year _______ class ________

land ________ school ________ flowers ________ How does the writer feel about them?

1) trying to be on time for morning readings

2) running to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings

3) training for sports day

4) starting the first day in Grade 7

5) slowly making some new friends

6) helping classmates with homework

7) preparing for art festivals

8) going to New Year’s parties

Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. 教案

Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. 教学目标:


2 技能目标:能谈论过去和未来的生活.

3 情感目标:珍惜初中生活的点滴,培养对高中、未来生活的憧憬。树立远



词汇: survey, standard, row, keyboard, method, instruction, text, level, degree,

manager, gentleman, task, wing, double, shall, overcome, congratulate, caring, senior, thirsty, thankful, separate, ours, ahead

短语: in a row, look back at, make a mess, keep one’s cool, senior high, go by,

believe in, first of all, be thirsty for, be thankful to sb., ahead of, along with, be responsible for, set out, separate from

句子: She helped you to worked out the answers yourself no matter how difficulty【I?remember?meeting?all?of?you?in?Grade,7.第五课时,Section,B教案(2a,~,2e)】

they were.

How have you changed since you started junior high school?

I’ve become much better at speaking English.

What are you looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to going to senior high school.



Period 1 Section A 1 1a – 2d

Period 2 Section A 2 3a-3c

Period 3 Section A 3 Grammar Focus-4b

Period 4 Section B 1 1a-2e

Period 5 Section B 2 3a-Self Check

Section A 1 (1a – 2d)

I. Warming up

1. Do you have any special memories of junior high school?

2. Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school?

II. Work on 1a.

Check the things you remember doing at junior high school. Add more to the list. Practice in pairs using the information in 1a.

At junior high school,

I remember:

_____winning a prize

_____being a volunteer

_____doing a school survey

_____a friend helping me with a problem

Learn the new word: survey

III. Listening

1. Work on 1b. Listen and match the memory with the person.

First, let Ss understand the meaning of these sentences. Then play the record. Check the answer with the Ss.

Learn the new word: standard

2. Listen again and answer the questions.

1) What did Mary lose in Grade 7?

2) Who helped her find it?

3) What kind of person is Mr. Brown? Is he strict with students?

4) What did Peter do to meet Mr. Brown’s standards?

3. Work on 1c. List some memories and experiences from junior high school. Share your lists with your partner.

Possible answers:

I remember...

scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition.

winning a basketball competition.

putting a plastic snake into a classmate's desk.

getting a wish card in Christmas Day.

I have...

learned to play the keyboard in music class.

learned to sing many English songs.

learned to play basketball with my friends.

Learn some new words.

4. Work on 2a. Listen to the conversation. Check(√) the facts you hear.

First, let Ss read the sentences. Then play the record and check the answer. ______Someone didn’t like P.E.

______Someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher.

______Someone had a health problem.

______Someone joined the school band.

______Someone liked Mr. Hunt’s teaching methods.

5. Work on 2b. Listen again. Match each question with the name of the person.

6. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Lisa remembers they had a great _____ teacher. He gave clear ___________ and he

was ______, too. Luke remembers when That’s life _______ at school. They wrote a _____ to the band _______ to come.

Junior high has been ______, but it has been a lot of __________.

IV. Practice

1. Work on 2c. Role-play a conversation in your group using the information in 2a and 2b.

A: Do you remember Mr. Hunt?

B: Of course! He is a great teacher. He gave really clear instructions during the P.E. class.

C: Yeah, he was kind when I hurt my knee. He told me to take a break from running.

Learn the new word: instruction.

2. Work on 2d. Role-play the conversation.

Let Ss read the text and answer the questions.

1) Which teachers will they miss?

2) What subjects do the teachers teach?

3) Why will they miss them?

4) What will they do to thank them?

V. Language points

1. I remember scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition.

in a row 连续几次地

e.g. This is the third Sunday in a row that it's rained.



2. … I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled.

double v. 加倍; 是……的两倍

adj. 两倍的; 加倍的

e.g. They bought a double bed.


I think we can double our marks in one year.


3. Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?

shall modal v. 将要; 将会

e.g. Shall we all go to the film tonight?


Everything shall be in good order.


I shall follow all your instructions.


VI. Homework

1. Recite the conversation in 2d.

2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.


Section A 2 (3a–3b)

I. Revision

学校调查 school survey

连续几次地 in a row

达标 meet the standard

休息 take a break

清楚地指示 clear instructions

对某人有耐心的 be patient with sb【I?remember?meeting?all?of?you?in?Grade,7.第五课时,Section,B教案(2a,~,2e)】

解决 work out

指导某人做事 guide sb to do

投入更多的努力 put in more effort

II. Warming up

What activities can the writer remember about his or her life in junior high? I remember…

III. Reading

1. Work on 3a. Read the passage and answer the questions.

1) What kind of writing is this?

九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7(第5课时)同步练习

Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7

第五课时 Section B(2a ~ 2e)

1. Although Tom is only ten years old, he behaves like a g .


2. They finished the work a of time although they had lots (1)first of all意为“首先”,of difficulties. 用于句首,说明顺序,是时间

3. You are supposed to be r for your action. 上或一系列行动的开始,后面

4. I’m t . Will you please give me a bottle of water? 往往接next, then等,一般表

5. How I wish to have a w to fly up into the sky! 达首先要说的这一点是所有要Ⅱ.用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。 说的内容里里面最重要的一点。

6. _______,could I ask all of you to keep this information secret? (2)at first相当于at the

7.—Mom,I was the first to reach the top of the mountain. beginning,意为“当初,起初—Good job, Jack! I _______ you. (但后来„„)”, 用于句首和

8.David Beckham decided to _______ playing football match forever 句末都可以,表示时间上的起because he is not energetic enough. 初,与后来发生的事情形成相

9.People who are afraid of _______ will never succeed. 对照。

10.The subject may _______ interests to you, but I don’t like it 2.congratulate

at all. congratulate是动词,意为Ⅲ.单项选择。 “祝贺”,常用于短语

( )11.(黔东南)— Mom, I got the first place in the exam. congratulate sb. on sth., — ______. 意为“为某事祝贺某人”。 当

A. Have a good rest B. Thank you 对方为自己取得的成绩表示祝

C. Good luck D. Congratulations 贺时,应回答:Thanks. ∕Many

( )12. You have many difficult tasks ahead of you. thanks. Thank you very much.


A. next to B. before C. near D. behind 【拓展】

( )13. You will set out on your new journey. congratulate的名词形式为

A. attend B. meet C. come D. start congratulation,常用于短语

( )14. I’m going to be a manager . congratulations to sb. on

A. in future B. in the future C. at future D. at the sth.,相当于congratulate future sb. on sth.,意为“为某事祝

( )15. You should your actions. 贺某人”。

A. be thirsty for B. be responsible for 3.thirsty


C. separate from D. catch up 的”。be thirsty for意为“渴Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 望;渴求”。

16. 日本比我们这儿快一个小时。 4.responsible

Japan is one hour _______ _______ us. responsible作形容词,意为

17.这些旅行者休息三天后又上路了。 “有责任心的”。be After a threeday rest, the travelers _______ _______ again. responsible for意为“对„„

18.首先,你必须完成你的作业。 有责任;负责任”。 _______ _______ _______,you must finish your homework. 6.separate

19. 绝不能强行使任何一个孩子与母亲分开。 (1)用作动词,意为“分开;分No child should ever be _______ _______ his mother by force. 离”。

20.作为父母,我们必须对你的决定负责。 (2)用作形容词,意为“单独的;


As parents, we must _______ _______ _______ your decisions. 【拓展】separate与divide







(2)divide 意为“划分;分开”,




第五课时 Section B(2a ~ 2e)

Ⅰ. 1. gentleman 2. ahead 3. responsible 4. thirty 5. wing

Ⅱ. 6.Lastly 7.am proud of 8.give up 9.making mistakes 10.be full of

Ⅲ. 11—15 DBDBB

Ⅳ.16.ahead of 17.set out 18.First of all 19.separate from 20.be responsible for

九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 Section B(2a-2e)导学案

I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7




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